2022 Hoosier Burn Camp Covid-19 Policies and Procedures
These policies and procedures assume that COVID-19 Community Levels remain low in areas where our campers and staff live and are subject to change based on changes in these levels.
Screening: Rapid antigen testing for staff and campers upon arrival to camp. Hoosier Burn Camp plans to provide the tests.
Diagnostic: Test anyone who displays COVID-19 symptoms. If the test is negative, test a second time 24+ hours later if the camper is still at camp. If a camper will not still be at camp, inform the parents and encourage them to test a second time.
Positive Test and Exposure
Follow the current CDC guidelines related to quarantine and isolation for individuals who have either tested positive for COVID-19 or were in close contact with someone who has.
Easily determine the appropriate course of by using the CDC’s quarantine and isolation calculator found here:
If isolation or quarantine is recommended, the individual likely will be sent home.
Masks will be optional in all areas of camp.
Exceptions may occur if CDC guidance related to exposure recommends masking (i.e. at current time, masking indoors when others are present for 10 days is recommended for individuals who are exposed to COVID-19 and are up to date on COVID-19 vaccinations).
Visitor’s Day/Tropicanoe Cove
All visitors will be asked about symptoms at registration.
Campers and staff should stay outside as much as possible.
Visitor’s Day advertising/publicity will:
Encourage visitors to be up to date on COVID-19 vaccines and boosters.
Encourage visitors to take a rapid antigen test prior to coming to camp.
Tell visitors to stay home if they are displaying any symptoms of illness.
Appeal to fire departments, ride organizers and other group leaders to strongly encourage or require/provide rapid tests before heading up to camp.
At Tropicanoe Cove, campers and staff should avoid close contact with those not in our group.